ArchivesSearch is the catalogue for records of the South Australian state government archive. The records held are no longer in administrative use. The records date from 1836.
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ArchivesSearch is the catalogue for records of the South Australian state government archive. The records held are no longer in administrative use. The records date from 1836.
Instructions about how to access records that are open access, part open or restricted access
Using ArchivesSearch. ArchivesSearch is State Records' catalogue of the archive collection. It describes and enables searching of the hard copy original records held in the archive. ArchivesSearch does not contain digital records or digitised
Find out how to view records in the State Records archive
Use our online enquiry form to contact us.. Our Where to Start your research page has useful information on how to begin your research. Find all of our contact options on our website. Research Centre. Open by appointment only on Tuesday to Thursday
Learn about how the records in the archive are arranged to help with your searching for records.
Help with using the ArchivesSearch catalogue.
Find out how to use State Records for your family history research.
Answers to questions about records in the Archive and how to find them.
Accessibility. What is accessibility? Accessibility is the term used to describe how a product, service or place can be easily used by as many people as possible. It is about making things usable to all people, whatever their age, abilities or